
Good Luck Getting a Nintendo Switch

We live in unprecedented times which is changing our lives in profound ways. One constant for millions of people stuck in their homes 24/7 (many of them without a job) is having a lot more time on their hands. Naturally, people are finding ways to fill their downtime. The Nintendo Switch is the top time-wasting device of choice apparently. We’re not exactly surprised.

Supplies of the Switch have slowly dwindled over the past few weeks as more people have either lost their jobs or are subject to stay-at-home orders. The official Nintendo store is completely sold out of Switches including refurbished models. A check of major retailer sites will only get you “out of stock” or “not currently available” messages when searching for the Nintendo Switch.


If you act now, you might be able to find a Nintendo Switch Lite. Seriously, you need to do it right now. I searched a number of retailer sites and supplies are limited. By the looks of it, you have a better chance of finding the Switch Lite in gray.

Nintendo is sold out of both Switches and Switch Lites due to the coronavirus lockdown

The other colors (turquoise, yellow, and coral) are mostly gone, but if you search right away, you might still find one of the colorful models. Be prepared to drive. Most of the retailer sites I looked at didn’t have shipping—only store pick up—which would have required me to drive about 25 miles to the nearest store with available stock.

If you already have your Nintendo Switch in hand, good for you. For everyone else, good luck. Hopefully Nintendo will ramp up production and get more units out to market soon because it looks like we’re going to be cooped up in our homes for a long time.


Since you’re already here, why not check out our review of Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Check out our review of the Animal Crossing New Horizons

Kent Wissinger
Kent joined the Warp Gate News crew in 2019. In addition to his career in public relations, he decided to pursue his geek passions and is now our Earth-based reporter reviewing movies and covering comic-cons, otaku conventions, and other geeky topics of interest on Earth. Kent's hometown is Lancaster, Pennsylvania. His sign is Sagittarius, and favorite candy is Pez. Say hi to him if you see him at a con.