The hyperspace ring platform is currently operating without interruptions for the past 18 days.
The USCMM Richard Sleath [ore hauler], exited the Kepler System last night at 2337 on way to Warp Gate Mars 2 for ore processing on Mars. No issues.
The WG-8 crew is excited about the launch of our news service to the colonists. Warp Gate News is going live today. Crew is working on stories as I write this.
Kepler 452b: The Northeastern hemisphere is experiencing a troposphere disturbance so volcanic particles from the stratosphere are being drawn down to the surface. The colonies in this region [Port of Brahe, New Lancaster] are on lockdown until the storm dissipates in the next 2-3 days.
Kepler 452: No solar disturbances.
Mining: The Kepler 1 Space Mining Team continues work on excavation in asteroid field Alpha. The Kepler 2 team began survey of asteroid field Delta yesterday. Survey is expected to take 2 Sol months.
Not sure how serious to take these reports from the Alcubierre colony, but Mayor Julia Neuman-Sydney reported to Kepler Colonial Police that colonists are claiming supplies are being stolen. I’ve consulted with KCP Commissioner Britt Hodge, and he suspects the supplies were actually misplaced due to continuing logistical issues planet-wide. He assured me the KCP will continue monitoring the situation.