
Pokémon Goes on Lockdown

Getting outdoors and moving around in nature has been the focus of the popular augmented reality game Pokémon Go since it rolled out in 2016. I’ve been playing from Day 1 and have walked nearly 6,000 kilometers. Pokémon Go holds the distinction of being the longest I’ve ever stuck with, what is essentially, an exercise app.

Fast forward to 2020 when most of us are isolated within the four walls of our homes because of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are certainly worse prisons, but staying on lockdown makes it difficult to go out and catch them Pokémons. Good news, gamers! Niantic, the developer of the multi-billion-dollar app, is bringing Pokémon Go indoors.


Niantic has been updating the Pokémon Go app over the past few weeks. The first change was cancelling scheduled raid hours and raid weeks, which is less of an improvement, but a necessary step. This decision was followed up by incremental changes as Niantic has been figuring out how best to move forward during this crisis—just like the rest of us.

Trainers can duel in the Battle League in Pokemon Go

Next, Niantic removed the walking and PokéCoin requirements for joining duels in the Go Battle League. At the same time Niantic lowered the Friendship level requirements allowing for Trainer Battles with Good and Great Friends, in addition to Best and Ultra Friends.


Then Niantic made changes to Daily Bonuses and Gifts, and added 1 PokéCoin bundles to the Shop. The increased Daily Bonus is great way to start the day with a 3x boost for Stardust and XP for your first catch. Activating a Lucky Egg and Star Piece increases these bonuses.


Over the past two years, Niantic had decreased the drop rate for Gifts from PokéStops to the point one could spend an hour hitting stops and barely replenishing the 10 Gift limit. Now, all one needs to do is spin a PokéStop to drop a Gift, which is awesome. This means a quick drive by a park will yield enough Gifts to fill up your Gift stash.

Niantic also increased the number of Gifts a Trainer can open in a day to 30. Plus, the number of Gifts in a Trainer’s inventory was doubled to 20.

Professor Willow coaches Trainers in Pokemon Go by Niantic

The third update in that round of updates includes the addition of 1 PokéCoin bundles in the shop. The first 1 PokéCoin bundle included 100 Poké Balls and 30 incense. Currently, the 1 PokéCoin bundle includes 50 Great Balls. A really good deal for Trainers on lockdown.


Niantic just doubled the interaction distance for Gyms. The primary reason is to allow Trainers to maintain social distances while challenging Raid Bosses and taking over Gyms. It also makes it way easier to play from one’s car—is the ultimate social distancing hack.

The doubled Gym interaction distance allows Trainers to spin Photo Discs, but only for Gyms. Distances for interacting with PokéStops remains unchanged.


All the current and future changes will help Trainers continue to play and advance in game. The best change, however, is Niantic allowing Pokémon to congregate wherever the Trainer is. Every time I open the app, there is a group of Pokémon staking out my home. After I catch them all, the good folks at Niantic send more.

This also works when on the move. I live near a small park and take walks (maintaining proper social distance, of course) every now and then to get out of the house. The whole time I’m walking, Pokémon constantly pop into existence around me. It’s like shooting Magikarp in a barrel.


Niantic will soon allow Trainers to join their Friends for remote Raids. Prior to this, raiding Gyms remotely via GPS spoofing would get your Trainer killed off by the folks at Niantic if they discovered it. How times have changed.

Another nifty future update to Pokémon Go will track steps and exercise indoors. Even on a treadmill!

Sure, Niantic is trying to keep people playing Pokémon Go and spending their PokéCoins. However, Niantic has been proactive in delivering exactly what Trainers need during this difficult time. That level of responsiveness from a company is what creates loyal customers.

Thank you, Niantic, for enabling Pokémon Go players to keep some level of normalcy despite the global pandemic.

Kent Wissinger
Kent joined the Warp Gate News crew in 2019. In addition to his career in public relations, he decided to pursue his geek passions and is now our Earth-based reporter reviewing movies and covering comic-cons, otaku conventions, and other geeky topics of interest on Earth. Kent's hometown is Lancaster, Pennsylvania. His sign is Sagittarius, and favorite candy is Pez. Say hi to him if you see him at a con.